Saturday, January 19, 2008

Inaugural Resurection of that which is AsphYxiA


Some old sklers might remember there used to be like a totally awesome zine called asphYxia originating in Tassie in the 1990s. It was too cool, and contained stories, poetry, and fairytales of the 21st century.

Then something happened to the editor. She became a lazy no good non-zine-writer. Asphyxia faded into nothingness.

Now...AsphYxiA has been REBORN through Google's Booger!

This is a very sudden rebornation. It certainly isn't a result of suddenly having a sudden surge of creative exploits that needed publishing. So, as a result of having ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF ORIGINAL CREATIVE TYPINGS, Asphyxia wishes to share its new favourite dating site: Alphabet Creatures

Go there. It rocks.

And don't forget to bookmark this site. Updates will occur sometimes.


  1. that page is silly!

  2. hmm silly. i like silly. i might just add it to my list of interests...
