date: Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 7:55 AM
Feb 20
I am mrs Sandra Mbame from Botswana. I am married to Dr.Joseph Mbame who worked with Botswana embassy in Leshoto for nine years before he died.
We were married for eighteen years with a child.My Husband died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $14.865,000,00(Fourteen million Eight hundred and sixty five thousand U.S.Dollars) in a security company in Abidjan-Cote D'Ivoire.The money was deposited in a trunk box as family valuables.
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to cancer Problem. Though what disturbs me most is the stoke,Having known my condition I decided to look for a God fearing individual that will utilize this money to the glory of God to take care of my only child for better future.I took this decision because my only child is still young and can not manage this fund very well and my husband relatives are not happy with my husband's wealth when he was alife and through my prayers and the directions of God,I have found out that their hands is in my husband's death and I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by evil men. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner,hence the reason for taking this bold decision.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Security company in Abidjan where my husband deposited the consignment . Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for another person for this same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein and you will take care of my only child.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Sandra Mbame
From: none
date: Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 3:44 PM
subject: Re: Hello,
Feb 20
Hello Sandra,
Could you please tell me where Abidjan is? Then I will fear God and further action your request.
Mrs Barmby
From: Madam sandra Mbame
To: none
date: Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 1:34 AM
subject: Hello Mrs Barmby,
Feb 21
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Thank you for your response, Inline with your question. Abidjan is located in Cote d' Ivoire in west africa. Standing as the capital. If you are willing to assist me in the fear of God i will so much appreciate it.
Hoping to hear from you soonest for details.
Remain blessed.
Madam Sandra
none to Madam
Feb 24
from: none
date: Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:07 AM
subject: Re: Hello Mrs Barmby,
Feb 24 Reply
Dear Madame,
Ah, la Cote d'Lvoire. Tell me about this place.
Remaining Blessed,
Mrs. Barmby
From: Madam sandra Mbame
to: none
date: Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:33 AM
subject Re: Hello Mrs Barmby,
Feb 24
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Well i am a stranger here, My nationality is botswana and my mission here is because of this transaction nothing more as i do not know much about the country but it is a tourrist country. What i need from you is your willingness towards this project if you are ready to assist i can give you more details on the matter.
Madam Sandra
From: none
To: Madam sandra Mbame
date: Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 12:32 PM
subject: Re: Hello Mrs Barmby,
Feb 24
Hello Madam Sandra,
In the fear of God I am willing to assist. What further details can you give?
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 8
Mrs Barmby.
You can see that you are not serious about this matter, It is important you let me so that i can look another person to handle this project for me.
none to Madam
Mar 8
Dear Madam Sandra,
I would like to stress to you the seriousness of this event. You provide me with details, I will fear God.
Regarding you,
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 8
Hello Mrs Barmby,
I thank you so much for your concern to assist me towards this project, Actually i need your boldness and sincere heart and trust believing that you will not betray me at last because of the confidence i am building on you, I really needed the security of this money and also my only son to come over there in your country and stay with you for his education.
You can go ahead and contact the security company for the claim as the foreign beneficiary of the said box in thier custody.I want you to contact the security company Inform them that you are the foreign beneficiary standing on my behalf and ask for the release of the box to you.Note that you should not reveal the content of the box to them when contacting the security company because my late husband did not disclose the content to them on the day the deposit was made he declear it as family items for security reasons so everything shall be kept confidential between both of us.
Below is the contact of the security company.
Armor Group Security company abidjan.
Foreign Operational Director .
Mr Andrew Mackinnon.
Office Email:
Telephone/ 0022506985076
Fax/ 0022524399976
So it deem necessary for you to contact the operational director incharge of the company immediately. I shall be expecting to recieve further informations once you have concluded with the director of the security company, pls feel free to contact him because i want to make sure that we conclude this transaction asap.
none to Madam
Mar 8
Hello Madam sandra,
In the fear of God, you must explain to me why you don't contact the security company as they are in your country. Life and times are very poor in my country so you must understand I cannot make long distance phone calls and emails are not secure.
This is the plan. You contact the security company and foward all my details. You tell me which country you would like your son to further his education and commitment to the Lord. Then I will assist as much as humanly possible. God speed, so we may conlude this transaction asap.
Mme Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 9
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Thanks for your mail response to me ,May good lord bless you, I will so much appreciate your urge to carry out my good heart wishes in this Assignment.
I will have to give you more explanation over the matter and shall wish that you come up fully with your assistance as much I shall like my son leave here within in the most quickly moment. Coming on the issue of the box which contained the money in question is deposited in the security company and it was deposited by my late husband while he was working with the embassy. It comes up that I came with my son to retrieve the box while the security company issued the directive that i shall produce the foriegn beneficiary. My late husband has indicated to them during the deposit that the box belong to an associate of his and he was depositing the consignment on behalf of the associate. He did not disclosed to the security company what the content is and did not disclose to them any name as the beneficiary and his associate for security purpose. It is based on this directive that you are contacted, you shall stand as the beneficiary of the box and the associate to my late husband so that the security company can release the box to you. Upon the release of the box to you, my son shall join you to your country for his education, He will be under your care as a son and you guide him properly in the fear God. I do not know what faith has it for me but whatever comes my way I shall take it that way. I have battled with this illhealth for number of years and I have no fear whatever again. However, I shall require that you provide me with your information. The information includes, your full name and address including telephone and fax number, this information shall be submitted to the security company and you shall be presented to security company as the beneficiary and the associate to my late husband. I do hope that you are getting me clear. So please forward to me the information as much possible as you can, I would want that you keep the matter within you alone as I do not wish that information about this transaction fly to other parties. Please this is very important for the security and safety of the box and my son. I will stop here and wait to hear from you.
Very regards
Madam Sandra
none to Madam
Mar 9
Hello Mrs Sandra,
Thanking you for your explanations. These are my details: Teresiamo Barmby, Villa Enrique -Casa Colorada, Km 24,5 Carretera Sur, El Crucero, Managua, Nicaragua. Tel: ++3906854439. Now as a matter of trust and faith, you must provide me full details of your son. And you must transfer by wire transfer the funds outstanding using my address.
In the fear of the Lord,
Mrs Barmby.
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 10
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Thank you for your willingness to assist me in towards this assignment, Well i have attached the photo of my son and full details as follows. Name Richard Mbame. Age 16 years old. Our present address in abidjan is siege social plateau, Avenue terrasson de fougeres 01 bp 4007 abidjan 01.
However i have also forwarded your informations to the security company presenting you as the foreign beneficiary of the box in thier custody hopefully the operational director will contact you for further directives be informed that the box will only be transfered to your address via diplomatic delivery as the director adviced.I will also need to have your complete details including your photo in your next mail.
Madam Sandra.
none to Madam
Mar 10
Hello Madam Sandra,
You already have my details, as provided in previous email. Just tell me when the box will be delivered.
In the name of the Lord,
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 10
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Yes i have gotten your details but you did not give me your id or photo for proper identication ofcourse it is very important to have your full details therefore you should send to me your photo or any id. Presently i do not know the actuall date of delivery but the operational director of the company promised to contact you for further directives.
none to Madam
Mar 10
Hello Mrs Mbame,
Firstly you are to send me a scan of your passport so I know that I am really dealing with a good honest Christian; Secondly, you have not told me much about your son, and you seem more concerned with our financial agreement. Obviously both are important matters, I just would have though that being a mother and a God fearing Christian that you might have concern for your only son who is to live in my country. Please send me a photo of you and your son together.
Thanking you, remain blessed.
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 10
Hello Mrs Barmby,
I do not like the way you are talking because it seems you are not understanding anything regarding this assignment, Money has no meaning to me than my son,I have stated the matter to you clearly i wonder why such comment will arise besides i do not have any of your indentification hence i have requested for it, Sorry i do not have any passport or a photo together with me and my son. I have personal photo otherwise photo with me and my late husband.
I think i have given you all the detail informations about my son as i do not know what else you need from me again as my major concern is for the walfare of my only child for a better future in your country. If you are serious then send to me your indentification hence i do not have any time to delay about this project.
none to Madam
Mar 11
Mrs Sandra,
Listen carefully. If you are serious, your son would have a passport. Please show me before I continue my discussions with you. I am happy to provide a good and stable life here in Nicaragua for him but if he can't even come here, what are you going to do about it?
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 11
Hello Mrs Barmby,
I do not like the way you are understanding matters,It is you that is not serious because you are not following the matter sequentially. My son passport is not yet ready they are processing it which will take some few days besides i have already given you the photo to your perusal.My dear we need to understand each other than sentiments. You have not even given me yours it is very important you understand me clearly. I have forwarded your informations to the security company and the operational director told me that he will contact you regarding the claim on your behalf you should let me know once you hear from them.
I hope to hear from you soonest.
none to Madam
Mar 11
Dear Mrs Sandra,
It is a shame you have such a negative attitude. I was under the impression you needed my assistance in your business. I am more than willing to assist financially, but you must understand that I do not know you, and need some security, therefore you must assist me to assit you. So in 3 days, when your son's passport is ready, you will scan and email it to me so I can see that you are genuine in this cause, for you have provided me no evidence that you have a son. Then I will forward you my photo and we shall proceed from there. Alternatively, you may suggest another method for me to place my full trust in you.
I expect your response pronto.
Mrs Barmby.
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 11
Hello Mrs Barmby,
With Due respect i never had any negative attitude like you have just said to me hence i needed your assistance to carry out my heart wishes towards this project.I know you are willing to assist me but bear in mind that i have never let you down ever since we started this transaction only that i was trying to know your seriouness weather you are sincere in heart because this my son is the only hope left behind ever since i lost my husband so everything about him i use to be very careful to avoid going into a wrong hand pls try to reason my security measures actually i know that money is not everything in life because from all indication i have come to realise that you have fear of God hence i do not want to deal with an unbeliever.
In other to certify your security having dealing with me i must have to give you all that you needed from me as to avoid any further doubts aswell confirm my genuinety towards my claim.I will scan the passport for you by tommorow because i do not have a scanning machine but i will check on the nearest cyber cafe to scan it for you in other to certify your want. Pls bear with me and also understand why i am been skeptical.
I shall get back to you as soon as i scan the passport.
Remain blessed.
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 12
Subject: Re: Hello Mrs Barmby, Richard passport Attached
Hello Mrs Barmby,
I have scanned and attached Richard passport to your perusal in other to certify your security wants. I really want to proofe to you that all i have indicated to you is with concrete evidence with know rate of turning and i believe you will remain honest and sincere to me.
I hope to recieve your positive response.
Remain bless in lord.
Madam Sandra.
none to Madam
Mar 12
Hello Mrs Sandra,
Thank you for showing me Richard's passport. Please show me a photo of both of you together. I would like Richard to remember you fondly, so photos are a must.
I received an email from the security company and will respond to them shortly.
A Tissue, Bless you,
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 12
Hello Mrs Barmby,
I do not have photo of both of us together as you required both i have the photo of me and my late husband. I think i have tried to show you my sincerity towards this matter and i will not want you to go astray so if you are willing to assist me then go ahead and do that and stop further sentiments as i have given you all you needed as a proofe of your security as demanded. If you are not willing to assist me pls do not delay so that i can look for another person because i hate taken much hence time waits for nobody.
Madam Sandra.
none to Madam
Mar 12
Dear Mrs Sandra,
I agree with you that time waits for nobody but you have not put a deadline on this project as as I understand it, it should be done carefully and correctly. Do you agree?
Show me a photo of you and your son. Or at least show me a photo with you holding a sign that says "BAITED". I want to know exactly who I am dealing with and who I can trust in the name of the Lord. You can already trust me, for it was you who originally contacted me and had faith in me.
I think you would like to know that the security company sent me a form to fill out and I am doing that now.
Regarding you,
Mrs Barmby
from: armor group
date: Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 8:46 PM
subject: Attn Mrs Barmby, Notification
Mar 10
Attn Mrs Barmby,
Sequel to the receipt of information from your partner Mrs sandra mbame presenting you as the foreign beneficiary of one trunk box deposited in our vault by the late husband Dr Joseph mbame. We hereby inform you concerning your transaction for processing,you should fill out the claim of ownership form attached and return back to this company with the fee of $1,235.00 US dollars. Call upon the receipt of this letter for further directives.
Yours in service,
Mr Andrew Mackinnon
(Foreign Operational Director).
Armor Group company,Cote d' Ivoire Abidjan..
Tel/ 0022506985076
Fax/ 0022524399976
Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this communication (which includes any attachment). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, copy, disclose, distribute or retain this communication or any part of it. Instead, please delete all copies of this communication from your computer system and notify the sender immediately by reply email. Thank you
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none to armor
Mar 12
Dear Andrew Mackinnon,
Please find completed form attached. Contact Mrs Madam Sandra Mbame and she will cover the fees and associated costs.
Kindly inform me when you will ship the box and provide tracking number.
Mrs Barmby

Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 13
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Pls do not border to assist me again let me look for another person i don't have such time for nonsences.
none to Madam
Mar 13
Hello Mrs Sandra,
I would dearly love to assist you. If you do not want my help you should not have asked me in the first place. Do you want my assistance or not?
I have already contacted the security company so you must follow through.
Response required pronto,
Mrs Barmby
Madam sandra Mbame to me
Mar 13
Hello Mrs Barmby,
Sorry do not border yourself as am maken plans for a new beneficiary.
Thank you.
none to Madam
Mar 13
Hello Mrs Sandra,
I am not bordered at all. I will do bizness with you. If not, I have a friend in Nigeria who will offer me more.
A Tissue, Bless you,
Mrs Barmby
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